Members database

Basic information
Title Dr the Honourable
Name Henrietta IP Man-hing
Honours OBE, JP
Gender F
Year of birth 1947
Place of birth Hong Kong
   Henrietta IP Man-hing

Period of LegCo service
12 October 1988 - 22 August 1991 Appointed (Unofficial)
30 October 1985 - 25 August 1988 Appointed (Unofficial)
6 October 1982 - 7 August 1985 Appointed (Unofficial)

Education and professional qualifications
Maryknoll Convent School, Hong Kong
M.B.Ch.B., University of Liverpool
Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians, London
Member of Royal College of Surgeons, England
Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates, United State of America
Diploma in Child Health, London
Member of Royal College of Physicians (United Kingdom)
Diploma in Management for Executive Development, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh)
Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians (Glasgow)

Paediatrician in private practice