Members database

Basic information
Title The Honourable
Name Ambrose LAU Hon-chuen
Honours GBS, JP
Gender M
Year of birth 1947
Place of birth Hong Kong
   Ambrose LAU Hon-chuen

Period of LegCo service
1 October 2000 - 30 September 2004 Elected (Election Committee)
1 July 1998 - 30 June 2000 Elected (Election Committee)
21 December 1996 - 30 June 1998 Elected (by Selection Committee)
11 October 1995 - 30 June 1997 Elected (Election Committee)

Education and professional qualifications
Bachelor of Laws (Hons.), University of London
Solicitor of Hong Kong
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales
Notary Public
China-Appointed Attesting Officer

Solicitor and Notary Public