Members database

Basic information
Title The Honourable
Name Gilbert LEUNG Kam-ho
Gender M
Year of birth 1953
Place of birth Macau
   Gilbert LEUNG Kam-ho

Period of LegCo service
9 October 1991 - 31 May 1993 Elected (Functional Constituency - Regional Council)

Education and professional qualifications
Sung Tsun Primary School. Sai Kung
Sung Tsun Secondary School, Sai Kung
Pui Ching Middle School
Bachelor of Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
School of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Land Administration Certificate of Hong Kong Polytechnic
Willesden College of Technology (Government Training Scheme)
Professional Associate of Royal of Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Associate of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Associate of Rating and Valuation Association
Associate of Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Chartered Surveyor (General Practice)