Members database

Basic information
Title Dr the Honourable
Name LO Wing-lok
Honours JP
Gender M
Year of birth 1954
Place of birth Hong Kong
Personal homepage
   LO Wing-lok

Period of LegCo service
1 October 2000 - 30 September 2004 Elected (Functional Constituency - Medical)

Education and professional qualifications
F.R.C.P. (Edinburgh)
F.H.K.A.M. (Medicine) (Foundation Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine)
F.H.K.C.P. (Fellow of Hong Kong College of Physicians)
D.T.M. & H. (London)
M.R.C.P. (United Kingdom)
M.B.B.S. (Hong Kong)
Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
St. Paul's College (Secondary)
St. Paul's College (Primary)

Medical Practitioner