Members database

Basic information
Title The Honourable
Name James David McGREGOR
Honours OBE, ISO, JP
Gender M
Year of birth 1924
Place of birth United Kingdom
   James David McGREGOR

Period of LegCo service
9 October 1991 - 31 July 1995 Elected (Functional Constituency - Commercial (First))
12 October 1988 - 22 August 1991 Elected (Functional Constituency - Commercial (First))
4 June 1975 - 13 August 1975 Appointed (Official - Acting Director of Commerce and Industry)
10 April 1974 - 19 June 1974 Appointed (Official - Acting Director of Commerce and Industry)

Education and professional qualifications
Scottish Highers Certificate
Dux Boy Aberhill H.G. School
Technical Qualifications At No.1 School of Technical Training, Royal Air Force, Halton

Chairman, Asia Securities International Limited