Members database

Basic information
Title Prof the Honourable
Name POON Chung-kwong
Honours JP
Gender M
Year of birth 1940
Place of birth Hong Kong
   POON Chung-kwong

Period of LegCo service
12 October 1988 - 22 August 1991 Appointed (Unofficial)
30 October 1985 - 25 August 1988 Appointed (Unofficial)

Education and professional qualifications
St. Paul's Co-Educational College, Hong Kong
B. Sc. Gen. (First Glass Honours), The University of Hong Kong
B. Sc. Special (First Class Honours), The University of Hong Kong
Ph.D., University College, University of London
D.Sc., (Higher Doctorate) University of London
Post-doctoral research fellow, California Institute of Technology
Visiting research associate, California Institute of Technology
Visiting Professor, University of Southern California
Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry
Chartered Chemist, Royal Society of Chemistry
Visiting Professor, Toronto University

Professor of Chemistry, University of Hong Kong
Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Hong Kong