Members database

Basic information
Title The Honourable
Name Derek John Claremont JONES
Honours CMG, JP
Gender M
Year of birth 1927
   Derek John Claremont JONES

Period of LegCo service
7 October 1981 - 23 December 1981 Appointed (Official - Secretary for Transport)
27 October 1976 - 30 July 1981 Appointed (Official - Secretary for the Environment)
4 August 1976 - 4 August 1976 Appointed (Ex officio - Acting Financial Secretary)
12 May 1976 - 26 May 1976 Appointed (Ex officio - Acting Financial Secretary)
17 December 1975 - 17 December 1975 Appointed (Ex officio - Acting Financial Secretary)
9 May 1973 - 6 June 1973 Appointed (Ex officio - Acting Financial Secretary)

Education and professional qualifications
B.A. (Bristol)
B. Sc. (Econ.) (Hons.) (Lond.)